Test Automation

Automation Tools Expertise

Open Source, Customer Supplied, In-house, COTS…

Proven expertise in various tools and technologies classified based on the type of Automation as illustrated

Test Frameworks

Frameworks: Python based customized Frameworks

Open Source Automation Tools
  • GUI Automation : Selenium, SOAP UI, Robot Framework
  • Mobile Automation : Appium
Scripting Languages
  • TCL, Perl, Python,
  • JavaScript
COTS Tools

GUI Automation : SilkTest,

Test Management System
  • QC , Helix
  • TestLink (Open Source)

Case Study 1: Telecom Numbering Solution WeB APPLICATION Automation

Selenium Web Driver Architecture

Test Objective:

  • Automation of the Number Porting GUI flows.

Test Environment:

  • Web application deployed in Linux environment on Jboss application server, Oracle database

Tools and Technologies :

  • Java, Selenium, BDD framework
  • Behavior driven framework is used along with data driven development. Required data is passed to the automation suite using an excel sheet.
  • Story files are created using JBehave to test different flows in Numbering Solution. Story files constitute a suite. Each country solution will have a couple of story file which will form a automation suite. Common logic across is countries is in a single-story file and invoked in the respective country automation suite.
  • Story files are written using Gherkins language. Story files are defined for different Porting flows in Numbering Solution like Port In. Port Out etc..
  • Messages to the Numbering Solution application are sent using XML. These XML’s are defined as part of selenium java code.
    Annotated based story files are run using a java class. Methods in this java file are linked to the storyline of the story file.
  • Suites developed are generic where the parameters related to environment like country, URL, DB information are taken from a run.bat file.
  • Execution reports with screen shots are stored in /target/site/serenity/index.html


SoapUI Tool Architecture

Test Objective:

  • Automation of the Web services flow.

Test Environment:

  • J2EE application deployed in Linux environment on Jboss application server, Oracle database

Tools and Technologies :

  • SoapUI, Groovy, Mock Service
  • Web Services exposed in this application are automated using SoapUI tool.
  • TheWSDL file will be parsed by the tool to generate the project and mock service to create request and responses.
  • The soap message sent from the Customer’s business application will be received at SoapUI’s mock server and validated against theWSDL and XSD.
  • Messages to the Customer’s business application are sent using XML as SOAP message.These XML’s will get constructed by the response script available in mock service.
  • Automated responses to any incoming request to SoapUI can be defined in Dispatch Script based on certain tag elements present in the incoming message..
  • The incoming messages can be validated automatically in the OnRequest script available in mock service.
  • The values required for constructing messages can be got by the request XML or from mock service properties or from global properties.
  • Log files can be generated after test case execution and can be exported to a file.